Original posted on Linda’s Wet Paint Art Blog on 9-13-2021

Connecticut Plein Air Painters join the Worldwide Paint Out- Friday and Saturday, September 10-11, 2021 at Hammonasset Beach, Madison, CT
Painted en plein air on Friday Sept 10 and finished on Saturday September 11, 2021 – The Connecticut Plein Air Painters Society (CPAPS) join together with the International Plein Air Painters for a Worldwide Paint Out Weekend.
Both days the weather was beautiful, a constant light breeze made the afternoon sun barely noticeable as the temperatures rose to about 82 degrees. On Friday, We had a larger group of about 12-15 artists from all over the state join us. On Saturday the group was smaller only 5 of us.

I was inspired to paint this scene of the walkway at Meig’s Point because of how the trees and surrounding foliage moved softly in the wind. A gentle swaying back and forth like a mother cradling her newborn in her arms, as she gently and rythmically shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
It was busy both days at the park, lots of folks walking the trails, climbing the rocks, taking photos, walking their dogs, relaxing in beach chairs and a few children knee-deep splashing in the water.
Working on a gesso primed linen, my goal was to keep some of the surface peaking through especially along the path and sandy surfaces.

With fresh eyes on this piece this morning the idea of turning this piece into a diptych or triptych is floating around in my mind. How cool it would be to extend the scene to left to include more of the water and rocks. Stay tune – this could be the beginnings of a larger set!

Shown here in a natural wood frame but other framing options are available. Shop online here or quality art prints are available here or contact me directly if you’re interested in this piece. Linda@lindasmarinoart.com