Live Wedding painting of Shannon and Nick’s Wedding at The Estate at Florentine Gardens, River Vale, NJ, 24 x 30″ oil painting

A Journey from Conversation to Canvas

Eighteen months before Shannon and Nick’s wedding, I had the pleasure of connecting with Shannon. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and it was clear from the start that we shared a deep appreciation for art and love. Shannon was kind enough to send me their engagement photos, which included their charming yellow lab, Saxbie, who has a distinctive black birthmark on her fur—a unique feature that made her stand out in my heart and eventually on canvas.

Fast forward to a beautiful Saturday in August at The Estate at Florentine Gardens in River Vale, NJ. The setting felt like a secret garden, with the ceremony taking place in what could only be described as a private oasis. The warm sunlight streamed through the tree branches, casting a golden glow on Shannon and Nick as they said their vows. I knew this was the moment I wanted to capture—the instant they walked down the aisle together as newlyweds. It was as though the sun kissed their cheeks, blessing their new chapter together. The atmosphere felt magical, filled with love and light.

The Reception: A Beautiful Story Unfolds

After the ceremony, the celebration continued inside the reception room, where glowing candles and exquisite floral arrangements filled the air with elegance. Shannon and Nick shared their first dance, and the family speeches that followed were heartwarming and intimate. I love taking in these moments, as they reveal so much about the couple. Listening to how much Shannon and Nick are adored by their family and friends filled me with joy, and I sought to reflect all of this admiration in the painting.

From Live Wedding Painting to the Studio

I began the live painting during the wedding, capturing that magical moment of Shannon and Nick walking down the aisle with Saxbie at their side. The scene unfolded in front of me, full of love, light, and excitement. But the work didn’t stop there. I continued refining the piece back in my studio, adding details and perfecting the elements that would make this painting truly special.

When I shared the progress photos with Shannon and Nick, they were thrilled—overjoyed by the way their love story had been captured on canvas. Shannon even shared that they were planning a reveal party for the painting, which made the experience all the more special for me as an artist.

A Painting That Brought Tears and Joy

When the painting was finally delivered, Shannon’s reveal party was a huge success. She later emailed me, sharing how everyone was moved to tears all over again. Knowing that the painting has not only captured a moment but also touched the hearts of those who experienced it is incredibly rewarding.

This journey—from a simple conversation to the completion of a wedding painting—has been filled with moments of joy, connection, and celebration. It was an honor to paint Shannon and Nick’s wedding day and to create a keepsake that will continue to remind them of the magical love and support that surrounds them.

Interested in Capturing Your Special Day?

If you’re looking for a unique and artistic way to preserve the magic of your wedding or special event, I would love to be part of your journey. Feel free to reach out via email or fill out the inquiry form on my website. Let’s capture your most cherished moments on canvas!